When and how do I pay for the class?
Detailed payment information is contained in the confirmation you receive after registering. You can pay by check or credit card. You can mail us a check in advance or bring one to class. If you need to send us a check after the class, just let us know in your order details. To pay with Visa or MasterCard, register for your class online and select pay by credit card. Once payment is received, you will be emailed a copy of your receipt for the order and payment completion. If you select pay by check you will be emailed an invoice which also offers the option of paying by credit card at your convenience.
I need a hotel, will you recommend one?
We rely on host agencies for advice on hotels and we find that because of liability, nearly all host agencies have backed away from making recommendations. Our best advice is to take a look at the location of the training on an app or website and search nearby for a hotel. To investigate further, we strongly recommend reviewing feedback and comments about the hotel you are considering, prior to booking your stay. We also recommend a careful review of the cancellation policy for the hotel should your agency cancel your attendance due to staffing issues that suddenly arise (we speak from experience here).
What time does class start and end?
Class starts at 0800 and typically ends around 1600. Sometimes the instructor will adjust hours to accommodate the class, but that is a case-by-case and day-by-day decision. If you need accommodation to meet a personal obligation or for travel plans (catching a flight etc...) just let your instructor know in advance. We are as flexible as we can be within POST requirements for attendance.
Are any meals provided?
Sorry, no. Everyone is on their own for lunch. Host agencies often provide morning coffee and some provide additional refreshments. There are no guarantees. If you depend on that morning coffee, it is probably a good idea to grab a cup and bring it to class, at least on the first morning.
What is the dress code?
Casual to business casual. Jeans and t-shirts are as typical as Dockers and polo shirts. Shorts when the weather is warm are acceptable. It is not unusual for someone to show up in a tie, but they generally shed it by the second day. If your department has a dress code for training, we strongly recommend you abide by that as others from your agency may also be in attendance.
What is the class atmosphere like?
Relaxed, interactive and entertaining. You will have a good time in the class and there is plenty of group discussion and exercises. We will challenge your thinking, but will never force you into anything. If you are the quiet type, we will encourage your participation in a safe way but will not put you on the spot.
What if I have court or a family issue that requires I miss class?
There are always things that come up and we can generally work with you. Just let your instructor know about it in advance. If an issue arises during the class please let your instructor know. If you are called away for more than a short time, contact us and we can apply your payment to another class and in some cases we can offer a refund (generally this is when we are notified before the start of a class).
What if I have a question that isn't listed here?
Contact us! Were always happy to answer any questions you may have: